Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First Step to SELF Project: How to build a Raised Bed Garden

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I have been wanting to start with a sustainable living ever since i could remember. I moved from a very Urban, fast-paced lifestyle to a more slow-paced rural "kampung" (village) area just 40 minutes from Kuala Lumpur. It is peaceful and so close to God's gift, The Mother Nature. Its worth it to be away from the 'endless race' of power and money in the city. The idea of being able to control and pick your own food at your own backyard brings the sense of security and liberation in contrast to 'starvation' because you can't 'afford' quality food. Its funny how the 'system' make us, human at times feel like we need to 'consume' to live, whereas the Nature is ABUNDANCE with grace.
I was more encouraged and driven to pursue with my own life project, especially after watching 'Food Inc' (A documentary on processed food, and consuming lifestyle). Just imagine how our food was grown, processed before we pick it up at the nearest grocery stores. Imagine how many hands (sanitize/unsatizined) that it need to go through before it reaches us. If most disease comes from the food we eat, why not grow our own food? The possibility of having a self sustainable life, is very much a dream come true. By studying architecture for 7 years (thanks ma!), I'm exposed to the technology that made it possible for a sustainable energy in dwelling, and also the suitable need for a sustainable lifestyle. InsyaAllah, it does require a period of time and some measure of 'investment' but really, can we put value to life and health of our family?
I came across The Garden Girl in Youtube, last year and i instantly became a fan, and student to Patti Moreno's Urban Sustainable Living system. She managed to get her life cycle in a healthy and systematic method for her and her family. She grow her own food in her own home compound, cooks them and serve it to her family. She manage her own poultry and live stock. She even spin her own Angora's! She even inspired me to write my own thesis for a sustainable living prototype and start my own SELF project. She is like my Martha Stewart, but better..hehhehe...She brings a new term for "home maker"
So, as my first effort for my family own benefit and health (especially for my growing step son, who is 10 years old) I'm sharing this video (also as a clear reminder for myself to get moving) so that we could all start with our own SELF project.

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