Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Step Parenting:My Journey

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
This is a very difficult post for me, and i've been struggling to pour it out. Especially since i came back from my recent vacation with my family. As some of you know, i'm an unexperienced step mother to a 10 year old boy. It's a struggle for me since he moved in with us, i'm sure it's difficult for both of us. I realised that it's been hard for me since i keep hoping to be this 'perfect' mother, and i was expecting him to be a 'good' son. Both, end up making me frustrated by the situation. I caught myself saying the things i swore i wouldn't say, but when i do...it's too late. To be frank, i'm never good with kids. I can spend limited time with them, and i'm rarely affectionate with them. I realised these whenever i see adults can spends hours talking with children giving undivided attention, by listening tentatively, when me on the other hand rarely have the tolerance with 'out of hand' kids. I don't hate them, i can be playful with them, but i'm just not affectionate. And no, i'm not proud of it, but i am aware of it. So, realizing that now i am a mother figure to my step son, i find that my lack of affection have somehow taken a toll on me. 

Children being children, they tend to make mistake, and as a walking experience guide to them, i tend to share my experience and advice. Children tends to want to have fun all the time, regardless of their health, hygene, heck-regardless of anything. We were all children and we know how carefree we were. Yet, being a parent, only wanting the best for our children, we hope they don't get sick, and they don't harm themselves. It seems, everytime these 2 things combine; there's a conflict. For example my last trip on our family vacation. It was a monsoon fishing trip, true enough most of the children were fishing in the rain, without any rain gear on. Knowing for the fact that my step son gets sick very easily, i found myself stopping him from fishing, and keep asking him to go to take his bath (and just take a break). He was upset definitely, he got out of the rain, but he went to sleep instead. I woke him up to take his bath, he got up and went someplace else to sleep. I found out minutes later, and had to use my authoritive voice. (which i hate!) He did, but that evening, he was down with bad fever. Which, brings me to the 'i told you so' mode. Frustrated as i was that what i fear to happen, happened, i try to ease it off by attending to him that evening. Before i knew it, the children was taking out their PS3 and he was 'feeling better' already. I was a tired pregnant lady, so i gave up and went to bed. 

The same thing happened a few times when out of his best interest, it seems i was the party pooper-the fun killer-the bad guy. I find myself crying out of frustration, i really didn't know what is the right thing to do. I realised this, when my husband left the boat to go fishing in the woods, so my step son had to go fishing with limited tools for his rod. He was again, fishing in the rain and when finally he was out of fish hook, i told him it's about time he give it a break, take a bath, and have his meal. Of course, he didn't like this. (He LOVES fishing)Since i couldn't give him any fish hook, he went to his uncle (my husband brother) for one, and before i knew it he was fishing again. You see, my in laws have many kids on their own 5 the least, and on most times they couldn't have their full attention to their own kids. So some of the kids (my step son cousins) were fishing like no one's business in the boat, they can go on without bath, meals, spending hours...fishing. No one is on their back telling them to stop and remind them to take their bath/meal. My stepson seeing this, and compared himself to them; "How come its fine for them and not me?". Can you imagine how am i the bad guy here? Just imagine these was going on between me and him on the entire trip. Stress and pregnant lady does not goes well together my friend...i kid you not. My husband of course, try to lighten it up. I asked him why didn't you say anything when the boy is going on fishing like that without meal an such. His answer was, "I was just like that". So am i being over protective? Over worry? I don't know what to do anymore...

When it comes to 'serious' responsible talk, my husband tends to take this lightly and jokingly. To him, he's a boy and he need to toughen up. I don't know it's because due to my lack of experience or just my maternal 'caring' instinct, its hard for me to just watch a child doing something that is harmful to their own selves. Yes, i worry...worry too much. Which i realise is blocking my ability to respect and show my unconditional 'love' in a way. One part of me, wants to respect him as a child and let him be  child, and one part of me wants to be this responsible parent that gives valuable lesson to their child. It's different because one; he's not my child, i don't know him that well enough, his conditioning while he is growing up somehow effects the approach. You know how you approach people differently when you know them better? The thing is, i don't know how to approach him, and i understand it takes time to know him better. Children and adult relationship is much more complicated, especially for someone who have so little experience with children bonding. Through this experience i realised how i'm giving 'conditional' love to him, in a way restricted because of my limited knowledge of who he is, which of course...is like a big question for me. I'm a true believe of peace and love...and here i am struggling to give love to a child. 

I was telling this to my sister in law, and as we were talking about 'Amma' aka the 'Hugging Saint' i realised that i'm going through a personal struggle and journey of unlocking my 'unconditional love'. It's easy to give love to someone volunteery and understanding it. especially adults, because somehow i understand adults and their respond. I had learned through experience to be non authoritive and not to expect any thing from an adult. It's easy to give love to your own children, the one that you witness their birth, going through their growth as you grow and already having that unbreakable blood bond. But here i am, putting 'effort' in the name of 'love' when it should be effortless. I still don't know what to do with this situation, i try to kick out the 'worry' and 'fear' in me...and i'm not going to wait for 'time to tell', My sister in law told me that i should be aware and take it as it is. I realised that my 'expectation' also destroyed my love...because it leads to many dissapointment and frustration in our mother-son relationship, i should remind myself to kick that out too...I don't know what i'm saying, i guess this is another rambling of my struggle in my journey.

Dear God, Please give me the strength to give mercy to the people around me especially to my step son, without fear, without expectation and without being conditional. Help me love myself, love the people around me as how You showered Your mercy in abundance to all of us. I pray for Your mercy and grace, may it help me to share Your mercy and Your grace. Amen.


Anonymous said...


I think you sound like a caring woman who wants to protect and care for your step-son. I think I would feel the same way as you did. A child needs to have breaks and needs to be guided because they will not make the best decisions due to their immaturity. I think I would have done the same thing with my step-son if I had one. I do this with my nephews.

Maybe you could sit with your husband and talk to him about team work. I think since you are the step mother, it is good for your husband to show his son he is supporting you, because then the step-son trusts you because his dad trusts you. If he sees his dad is not reacting the same way you are, he is not going to trust you or want to listen to you because he is closer with his dad. If dad doesn't enforce what you are saying, step-son will feel like he doesn't have to listen.

Maybe you could try getting closer to step son by going down to his level? For example, play a video game with him, or hide-n-seek with him and his friends, something fun!

Rebekka @ Becky's Kaleidoscope said...

Salam Hajar,
I basically agree with everything Sarah just said. I think it's very important for you and your husband to be on the same level/team, so that your (step)son knows he won't get two different responses if he asks you or if he asks his father. I think that's incredibly important for "standard" parents, but especially so when you're not his biological mother.
I also think it'll be good for you to spend some time just having fun with him, like Sarah suggested as well.
I completely understand how you feel, I get the same thing when I'm with my nephew, but it must be so much harder when you don't have the responsibility for a couple of hours or days, but all the time.
I think you're an amazing, caring and loving women and it truly sounds like you just want the best for him.

hajar aman shah said...

Salam sarah & becky,
You know, i'm on both of your page. I completely agree and i have talked to my husband about this. Maybe it's because we were raised differently with different kind of conditioning that makes us need time to meet half way. For instance, i love how my husband is playing the good cop card, at least for the boy it doesn't seem him being the only child feels the parents are gang-ing up on him. But of course, it does make it harder for me (i just need to be patient), but being in the same team is important and i know my husband is adapting to my kind of parenting where children need to be aware and take responsibility of their own action instead of letting them off freely. City family and rural family have different kind of upbringin, i'm sure he's not trying hypocritical to his son (he did it, he turns out fine) but i know he understands where i come from when i told him i'm trying to improve the standard of his child mind, insyaAllah.

And yes, we do stuff together like drawing..he's very talented boy and since i love drawing, we have our own drawing session after dinner to wind up on a busy day. We try to make family game night, where all 3 of us would play monopoly/card game just to have fun...but you know kids would be kids..parental aren't as fun as peer company. But insyaAllah...I think it comes with time regardless...

I think it's beyond than action now, but how i open up to him unconditionally. I still somehow have a wall/barrier that i unintentionally put between me and him, probably the fact that i'm still not used with kids and probably i still somehow could not grasp the idea of a 'mother' just purely relying on my motherly instinct. You know how they say a mother knows she's a mother when she's pregnant and having a baby...so insyaAllah, probably with little feet in the way, it could help me ease up and unlock everything that's in me that i'm resisting so much...WallahuAlam...
Thank you girls for your advice and suggestion. I truly appreciate it...you girls have been a great support..

Anonymous said...

Wishing you the best hajar!

Rain said...

You know what?my mom and I used to be the same and I HATED it,I wanted to just play around and never have to shower or eat all the time,and she used to be the fun killer in my life
But now that I'm a grown up I realize that everytime she yelled at me to study,shower,eat or take my medicine she was making me closer to being a descent person,I could never imagine what I would have been like without her around telling me to do the things I needed to do,I think what you're experiencing is what any parent experiences,he won't hate you or anything..I think he'll appreciate you and everything you do one day en sha Allah

Imani said...

Salamualaikum!! You know, i think the reason you're feeling overwhelemed and emotional may be due to your pregnancy hormones possibly! you've dont absolutely nothing wrong. My mom and my aunt's used to be the same way, and still are to the younger kids in the family however, i understand it now.

you may be "the bad guy" for a day max, but in the end you're caring about him and as a parent you can't worry about his feelings when it comes to his health. Inshaallah things will get better!! (Ameen) Take care sis! and take a load off, sit down and put ur feet up! xoxo

hajar aman shah said...

I truly truly appreciate your thought about this girls...Probably i should take the load off, sit down and relax... InsyaAllah, probably being the bad guy now aint too bad later on in life...Since me and my mum was never on the same page as well, and now we're like best friends. Thanx for reminding this girls...
