This picture was on top of my parent's bed in their bedroom. It was the first piece of art work that i remember. I instantly missed my father when i saw this Henri Rousseau's piece. He loved collecting things. He loved watches, books, paintings, persian carpets and he have splendid taste. but of course, i'm his daughter...i can get bit bias.
to abah;
I miss you.
Al Fatihah
MashAllah, I completely understand how you feel, I get these episodes as well where I see something that reminds me of my Dad and it just makes me miss him so so much. And as his daughter you're certainly allowed to be biased, I'm sure your father was an amazing man. InshAllah he is in a better place now, and InshAllah you will join him when the time is right, and Allah knows best.
Al Fatihah
salam becky,
thank you so much for visiting my blog and dropping comments in my page. It does get lonely sometime in here, so thanx for keeping me company. :)
To be honest, i only spent some years of my life with him. My parents were divorced since i was 12, and he is quite a travelling man. Which made me remember him more, those short times i had with him. InsyaAllah, i know he is in a better place now...and i hope to join him soon, when He allows it when the time is right. Thanx again becky for that reminder. appreciate it.
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