Friday, April 13, 2012

Birth Junkie


Hi sisters! How are you guys doing? Alhamdulillah, i'm doing very well. So is little feet 2, insyaAllah. Auji had just started his first step just a couple of days ago, it's ssoooooo fast! Time just flies doesnt it?

Since i gave birth, i learn about how the medical world had somehow 'betray' our women's right(no feminist here, mind you). The first time i found out that i was pregnant, i was instinctly sure that home is where the birth would take place. I somehow had faith that God had made women child bearing, and He had made women to give birth. No alteration, or modification needed. And to find like minded people out there, is just liberating. Although i didn't get to have my first birth at home, having little feet in the hospital thought me first hand how a women's strength could just be wiped away with doubt. How many of us, would have just surrender ourselves on the 'chopping block' just because we're no doctors..when we think of birth. I don't blame you. By society, i did the media, i did too... I remembered visualizing my birth, cringing and barely able to picture me strapped, yelling and screaming my neck out. Untill i give myself some sense.

I bought myself books.

After reading, i find myself getting to know more about gentle birth and hypnobirthing.

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