Friday, October 14, 2011

Auji's Mandala

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I guess baby-moon lasted for 3 months, that's how long it's been since my last entry, and that's how old Auji is now. (wave auji! hiiii!) he grows so fast, i still couldnt believe i gave birth, i couldnt believe i have a son now...heck! i still couldnt believe i was pregnant for whole 9 months...blessed, Alhamdulillah. 

I don't know where to start actually, but i've been meaning to share my drawings i did throughout my pregnancy. I called it Auji's Mandala. It was my therapy throughout my pregnancy, to keep my hormone, my emotion grounded and balanced. but it was just my theory, please don't take my word , it is just my own method of dealing with my rollercoaster hormone at the time. 

p/s: the last 3 drawing arent really mandala as in 'circle' but they were drawn out of awareness, as in, it was not pre-thought. it came out by the moment and unconciously. I didnt take the time to analyze each one of the drawing, but somehow it helped me 'see' what needed to be seen.  

maybe next, i'll include some of Auji's picture. untill next time!


Rain said...

Hey you! (hi Auji <3)
I love this one,amazing!

LK said...

These are simply beautiful. You can feel the emotion.

Rebekka @ Becky's Kaleidoscope said...

Wow, these are so so beautiful! Thank you for sharing them with us :)

daydream said...

T_T memories of pregnancy brought me tears. I was so busy protecting my mother at that time ....

these are beautiful babe!