Thursday, March 3, 2011

Unplugged:Will be missing u!

I always believe God is always there to save us, it is either we recognize it or not. A lot of things had lead to me up to this point, and although I whined countlessly and shamelessly pour my heart our here, I am at that point now that I've feel nothing but grateful. I feel better and seems to handle my emotion better too. Some part of it is thanks to the fact that I'm connect-less from the internet. I'm at my mum's, during my break from lecturing, and i'm just taking this opportunity to say I'll be out of the loop for awhile. 

Here's what I like to share before I'll start missing all of you. These is what I've been up to;
1. Learn to be my own therapist/friend/simon cowell/advisor/etc- I don't know where I got it from but I started to observe my thoughts and somehow have a dialogue going in my head. I talked earlier in my blog about taking the time to analyze a situation, and this new found 'method' (at first, I thought I was going nuts), somehow helps.Alhamdulillah, It had helped me buy some time before reacting to an emotion I have, and I somehow have my husband notice the 'improvement' too. I guess, as cliche as it sound, no matter how many people around you, the best person to listen is always yourself.

2. Taking a break in my daily task- Using prayer as meditation and reflection moment. 

3. Accepting that I am not perfect, and there are times I deserve a break.

4. Organize, but never plan. It's okay that I don't get EVERYTHING figured out beforehand, and expect that everything that doesn't go my way, happen for a better reason. Period.

5. Appreciating moments, not days. especially appreciating being pregnant and basking my time in all it's glory of its transition into motherhood. 



Anonymous said...

Have a beautiful break dear. I agree sometimes we need to listen to ourselves. Nobody knows us better than us!

Rebekka @ Becky's Kaleidoscope said...

Awww I am missing you sweetheart! Hope this break will be good for you, help you to ground yourself and get some peace and relax :) You're in my thoughts.