بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I started writing already on my novel for NaNoWriMo, which is a good sign. Alhamdulillah. I decided to write a children/young adult book, with a twist. A little something unplanned, and un revised. It is quite fun just typing along, and trying to make up a story as you move along. I'm not too sure what was the twist just yet, but i am not planning either.
I started looking for a concept on what kind of story should i be writing. I was thinking children, should be very out of space? i'm not too good with space fact, so i didn't linger with that idea. I once read, a good writer write what they know best. Truth is, i'm not too sure what i know best. All i know, i suprise myself whenever i just let my self go and write through my imagination. Its like doing a mandala, letting your unconcious mind go, and going through it back and looking through the symbols and words.
I didn't want to go too off course with my imagination though, so i decided to give a loose synopsis and see what kind of story would i play with. I already give it a title and an idea of how the cover looks like. So far, it helps with the spontaneous writing. I just wrote about less than 1000 words for today -slow start, although i try not to pressure myself too much with the dateline. Regardless if i work better with datelines. I would love to experiment, and let my mind at ease as i go through with this novel. InsyaAllah, let see if i would to share it with all of you. In the meantime, let me cook dinner for my family before i continue with the rest of the novel. a bientot typing hands!
Yaay! Happy to see you've joined! Wow, you're doing pretty well! (Just checked your box). Keep writing!
I missed yesterday though, i was busy yesterday attenting to my sick husband. he's down with the flu. InsyaAllah, i hope to catch up today. I still have NO idea what story it is, i'm just writing as the brain flows...:P
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