بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I'm really not trying to sound lame or tacky, but ever since i could remember, i have always love reading and writing. Secretly i always wanted to write a book, every story that passes through my life is like an interesting plot of a book. The possibilities of many walk of lives, from the voice of a story teller. Since a couple of years ago, i have been going through so much changes and transitions, that i wouldn't want it to slip my mind. So every step of reminder, help me to keep me grounded as i count it as a blessing. I couldn't find myself keeping a journal, and ever type writer were invited, i have always loved typing. My attempt on keeping a digital diary, always seem to be tucked in hard disk dust...then i started blogging.
My blogging life started randomly, trying to keep my life updated as possible. For an imaginary audience i was trying to please. Then since i withdrew myself from the city, i find myself sharing more and more of my daily finds just to keep an update what i'm up to, to my family and friends. I post articles, music, quotes, inspiring pictures, just for the sake of sharing, in a way exhibiting my thoughts for my family (who is all over the world, hi you guys! i miss all of you) so they know what i'm up to. This way, my mum wouldn't worry about me too much..hehehe...But it becomes more than update as i go along, it becomes an encouragement for finding knowledge, sharing experiences, many stories while i expand my family circle. My post has been more than my share of link finds, but my share of reminder for myself. As i read through many walks of life, sharing their experiences, their finds, their own reminder...it is like having more yellow post it, around you, constantly not wanting you to forget of something.
Many walks of life, means many stories...many awareness, or many ignorance...many choices, many mistakes...all doing nothing but as a reminder of the many lives God had scattered around His Mercy. And having knowledge is a blessing, let us all share the blessing of many reminder from all our brother and sisters everywhere...
Vote for your own favorite blogger in honor of their confidence, bold courage in sharing part of their life, and part of their blessings :http://www.brasscrescent.org/
The Brass Crescent Awards, a joint project of altmuslim and City of Brass, is an annual awards ceremony that honors the best writers and thinkers of the emerging Muslim blogosphere (aka the Islamsphere). Nominations are taken from blog readers, who then vote for the winners.
What are the Brass Crescent Awards? They are named for the Story of the City of Brass in the Thousand and One Nights. Today, the Islamsphere is forging a new synthesis of Islam and modernity, and is the intellectual heir to the traditions of philosophy and learning that was once the hallmark of Islamic civilization - a heritage scarcely recognizable today in the Islamic world after a century's ravages of colonialism, tyrants, and religious fundamentalism. We believe that Islam transcends history, and we are forging history anew for tomorrow's Islam. These awards are a means to honor ourselves and celebrate our nascent community, and promote its growth.
What are the Brass Crescent Awards? They are named for the Story of the City of Brass in the Thousand and One Nights. Today, the Islamsphere is forging a new synthesis of Islam and modernity, and is the intellectual heir to the traditions of philosophy and learning that was once the hallmark of Islamic civilization - a heritage scarcely recognizable today in the Islamic world after a century's ravages of colonialism, tyrants, and religious fundamentalism. We believe that Islam transcends history, and we are forging history anew for tomorrow's Islam. These awards are a means to honor ourselves and celebrate our nascent community, and promote its growth.
I think it is such a good effort of awareness, for many walks of life who is spreading a little bit of blessing to everyone, with a little help of technology and much Guidance and Mercy from Him.
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