source: http://www.mothertongues.com/
"Now, with every T-shirt we add, we draw on the wisdom within various cultures as they speak to community, social justice and ecological awareness. We continue to search cultures for interesting words, whether on our travels, by reading lots of books or by asking people who can speak languages other than English whether they have more wisdom to share."-Founder, Michelle Hamman
" Love the art work and the wisdom"
p/s: i do not endorse this website nor i am paid to advertise their business,
but i would really appreciate it if they would to send me a t-shirt.
Awww that is great! I love that shirt!
i know, right? before i was 'spiritually inclined' i was a grafitti artist..once, my work was a 'peace' in 3 languages and a peace sign. It is still in a electric pole in the middle of Kuala Lumpur..heheh...
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