Monday, September 6, 2010

Action speaks louder

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Salam everyone,

Malaysia and the world are facing a lot of media stir about Islam lately. In Malaysia for example, different races are clawing on each other and insulting each other. The Mosque issue in NY and etc. I have to say, although facebook encourage people to speak up, it does speaks in honesty. You see what is really going on, the true voices of the country. Fear, insecurity is covering some of our eyes...

here, as a sister...I would like to remind myself and my fellow sisters and brothers. No matter what the news is, what comes upon us...remember;

With all those stir in the media,

let us all remind each other that let us all citizen of Peace respond in patience.

Remind your brother and sister let our actions speaks louder than our words.

don't say nothing if you feel like retaliating. it's not worth it.

Our guidance asked us to speak Gracefully, not in profanities.

Keep your head high and don't be afraid.

We have Faith...We have Guidance

It's Promised a Victory.

So, BE GUIDED and be gentle.

Stand your ground and be humble.

We're people of peace, and we only speak goodness...

when our emotion slips, remind our human self.

don't loose ourselves and clawing each other,

remember we're on the same side.

we're citizen of Peace.


"And speak good to people."

(The Quran al-Baqarah 2:83)



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