Thursday, July 8, 2010

HRC 1st Roundup

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Salam ya'll,
If you were to be from my facebook community, that probably (or not)noticed my HRC Project. HRC - Hijab Roundup Campaign project is an awareness video inspired by my fellow sisters in Hijab. This project is to roundup as many hijabi acquaintance and together spread the message of beauty in modesty. To participate and support this campaign, all that is needed is a picture of yourself, a friend or a family member who is a hijabi. There are many hijabi pictures online, that inspires me, but something closer to home always hits the heart. Something more real. I took the opportunity by gathering my friends in my facebook community and Alhamdulillah, much support has been received. JazzakAllahkhairan!
Besides getting to know my fellow sisters, this campaign main objective is to act as reminder for us to be steadfact in carrying out God's commandment, as a message to inform and also to inspire those other sisters out there. InsyaAllah, may this project brings barakah to everyone who took part, who support and to those who take the time to watch the video.

So, without further blabling...i present you, with much allowance by the Lord:


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