Friday, December 17, 2010

The Uppity : The Downditty


I actually cried my heart out over a slice of potato..., Like truely genuinely SAD. I was SOBBING! Almost hyperventilating. Just like *snap* that! The weird part was, in my head i was like this:

"Why are you crying? What are you crying about? Seriously i have no idea what's going on...Hormone? is this you who is taking over my job?"

It's like an outer body experience, it was so weird. As i received my newsletter from, I wasn't suprised to find this:

Hello Hajar! 
9 weeks pregnant

If extreme mood swings leave you feeling like a drama queen this week, you're not alone. Hormonal fluctuations are treating your emotions like a yo-yo now. One minute you feel weepy and the next you're laughing harder than you've ever laughed before. Take comfort in knowing that those same volatile hormones are helping your baby grow.

Aaah, thanx for the explaination and the heads up guys...


*woke up* check phone by the bed. Received a text message from the husband "Where are you?" at 1.42 AM. ?? did i turned invisible last night while i was sleeping in bed? Confused of course, this is how the dialog went;

Me: Did you text me last night? Why did you ask Where i was?
Husband: (almost too casually), oh i was looking for your phone (He likes to play solitaire on my phone before he sleeps/when he couldn't sleep)
Me: So you decided to ask the phone where it is? *eyeing my husband in hoping he finds it weird as i did*
Husband: I was looking it for so long, and you know your phone received my text like 5 minutes after i send them. I was glad the phone answered 'Here i am!-Beep Beep'. (still answering it casually like it was not weird enough)
Me: Ah-ha...*eyeing him and burst into a big laugh*
Husband: *Grin sheepishly*


Rain said...

I wonder what would happen to an already drama queen if she gets pregnant...she'd be like drama emperor or something 0_O

What happened to the slice of potato anyway?lol

hajar aman shah said...

To tell you the truth, i wonder about the whole "Drama Queen Pregnancy Drama" too...she'll be like the Goddess of Drama i think~..LOL

My husband was worried that i couldn't eat anything/couldn't think of anything to eat for dinner since some food made me have no appetite at all. He made dinner just to try his luck and he made some potato fries. He gave me some, I said i don't feel like having any. He tried to give me ONE SLICE, which made me cried...LOL....weird...

Rain said...

Awww!! hehehe

hajar aman shah said...

it wasn't because i was emotional because he was being sweet and tried to give me some...i was crying because i really didn't want any..ahahhahah

Anonymous said...


Rebekka @ Becky's Kaleidoscope said...

Awwww... that's funny and sweet :) InshAllah you'll soon feel in control of your emotions again!

hajar aman shah said...

Becky, comes and goes..sometimes, i could control it, and sometimes it almost too volatile to do anything about it...I read it's rather normal on the first everytime i act weird, i blame it on the hormone and get away with it..LOL!~