Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fi Laylatin Minal Layal Lyrics with English Translation by Muhamad Al Husayn

Fi Laylatin Minal Layal Lyrics (Ya Ilahi)
with English Translation by Muhamad Al Husayn

Fi Laylatin Minal Layal Lastu Adri Ma'tarani
Zulmatun Taghrumuni Ya Rab
Al-Ardhu Daqat Wassama' Wa Qalbi Ma Arafud Dhiya'
Wad Dam'u Bata Yabki Ya Ilahi

Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi
Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi

Asaytu Waz Zanbu Kabir
Wa Inni Fi Huzni Asir
Muqayyadun Bizanbi Ya Rab
Fahal Yastahiqqu Ya Ilahil Afwa Mujrima
Muqirrun Biz Zunubi Ya Ilahi

Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi
Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi

Antal Lazi Khalaqtani Rahimtani Wa Razaqtani
Dauman Ya Rabbi Qad Kunta Ma'i
Lakinnani Naaitu Anka Nasitu Ma Qad Kana Lak
Wa Sirtu Fi Toriqi Ya Ilahi

Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi
Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi

Wal Yaum Ya Rabbi A'ud Min Zulmatin Khalfal Hudud
Fal Qalbu Munkasirun Wa Torofi Hair
Wa Anal Ghariqu Fala Ara Illa Siwaka Liy Munqiza
La Manja Wa La Manja Illa Anta

Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi
Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi


In one of the nights,
I dont know what happened to me,
Darkness Covered me O my Rabb,
The earth has been narrowed, and (also) the sky,
and my heart haven't know the light,
And tears stayed, crying O my Ilaah

Ya Ilahi 3x

I committed a big sin,
And I am inside my sadness a captive,
Chained by the sin O my Rabb,
Does the sinner deserve forgiveness, O my Ilaah

I admit my sins, O my Ilaah
You are the one who created, mercied and blessed me,
All the time you were with me, O my Rabb.
However, I went far away from you and forgot your rights,
And waked on my way, O my Ilaah.

And today O my Rabb,
I come back from a darkness beyond the boundaries,
The heart is broken and my sight is confused.
Ang I am sinking and see no one but you to rescue me,
No help except you,
O my Ilaah, O my Ilaah

Lyrics compiled by Wewr.
watch the amazing video here


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Jazak Allah khair

Unknown said...

Masha Allah very nice

Taban Qayoom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

awesome song

Unknown said...

Good job

Unknown said...


Putri pra said...

Kenapa ya ilahi tidak diperjemahkan.
Apa arti dari ya robb dan ya ilahi.????
Tolong terjemagkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia.

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful naseed...I love this naseed...Subahanallh....

Unknown said...

JazaakAllahu khairan