بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
So yesterday i went to see a 'natural' doctor. In trying to be responsible for the best for my baby (insyaAllah), i decided to skip artificial nutrients supplement that was given by the government and go for a more natural approach instead. I believe God have made the best supplement there is in His food, and we got to do is take resposibility and find out where is the best source. I'm grateful enough to know this doctor, who was recommended by my sister in law (who, i mentioned is also pregnant and also hoping for a natural & home birth). He's a specialist for pregnant ladies and also children and most of his prescriptions are organic supplement and food intake diet change. Which are mostly fresh and unprocessed & most importantly SAFE. which i know, its almost a drastic change. Most of the product i'm using at home, are VERY harmful to me and my baby, which shocked me and also shows how ignorant i am of my own health. Although, most of the effect are reversible and curable with a change of diet, base on our Prophet's and the Quranic message; Quran Food. Which he emphasise, that everything we eat should be 'Halal' & Toyyib (untouched/unprocessed)
Turns out, as scary and drastic as it seem it does make a difference. Instead of my 'starchy' bread breakfast, i change my breakfast today by making my own breakfast cereal. Since i'm pregnant i'm in need of 'folic acid' & whole lot of Vitamin B. Which besides other nutrient, NUTS & FRUITS have plenty of. So i chopped Almond, Chestnut, Walnut, Hazelnut, Pumpkin Seed, Sunflower Seed and mixed it with some dry 'Quran mentioned' fruits, like Figs, Dates, black currant and also cranberry. Which is high with fibre and mineral (also good for pregnant ladies, mind you)- On top of that, i mixed them all up with muesli and shake them all up good.
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my home made nuts&dry fruit with muesli fix for breakfast...which is YUM! |
Turns out cow milk are absolutely BAD for you (read ingredients in cowmilk label to know how unnatural everything is), the trip to the supermarket right after open my eyes how many synthetic stuff are mixed in our milk. The doctor recommended that i replace my milk intake to cow milk to goat milk or natural organic yogurt. So, on top of my home made muesli cereal, i chopped up some apples (which have plenty of vitamins) and coated all of them lightly with natural organic yogurt. I have to say, i hesitated the first bit, it looks waaaaay too healthy for my taste (which usually taste like cardboard). Honestly i was suprised on how YUMMY and FILLING it was. The sweetness of the fruits, the soury tartness of the yogurt, and crunchy bits of the nuts are amazing. And it lasted me till afternoon, with the occasional pop in the mouth fresh black grapes.
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tada!! |
Just imagine, by having this i'm substituting a healthier and better nutrients for my baby and me instead of the coloured-artificial-nutrient-supplement-pill. Which we have NO idea what goes in it. I have to say, I had a great morning by a small change and effort, Alhamdulillah. It takes being pregnant to know how i've neglected my own health and body all this time. Thank you little feet...
Of course, these are not the only things adviced by my doctor, i'll save more magical remedies on my other post. Stay tune for more progress, insyaAllah. Try this breakfast mix, and tell me what you think. A bientot!
Yum yum yum! I love homemade granola with strawberries, blueberries, and organic yogurt. Sooo good, I completely agree and think I would love your mix :) Happy eating!
oh my goodness i loooove blueberries...I'm going to find some fresh blueberries and strawberries and try your mix. I'm not going to buy cereal again~
I loved this Hajar!always loved recopies of natural food made at home,I'll stay tuned en sha Allah and try some of these yummy things you're making!
btw LOL @ "it looks waaaaay to healthy for my taste (which usually taste like cardboard)"
Oh and since you're going all healthy and natural.. we have something called Tabouleh...it's basically groats or grit+parsley+chopped carrots and lettuces with lots and lots of lemon
I cannot tell you how delicious it is..you'd love it !
My dear rain,
i hope you do try them and i hope you like them...and LOL, it was true..first look of it, i cringed! i have to be honest, i love food but i put a line to bird food/hamster food...which was exactly how i thought it looked like at first-hence why i think it look like it could taste like cardboard...LOL....but no, Alhamdulillah, it really is YUMMY. The fruits and nuts is flavour up the 'cardboard' muesli...hahahha...
I haven't got the chance to try tabouleh..i'll look it up. Although i have to say, i love hummus and baba ganoush...
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