بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I have so much to share right about now actually but my body had been begging me to get a rest since last week. I've been having a flu+cough+fever, but i've been having so much fun with my step son. We had our short holiday over the weekend into the woods, while taking our city friend for a fresh breather. Alhamdulillah, it was something that i really needed. I was thinking so much, so the trip gave my mind a break that it needed. I got the chance to soak up the sun, and fresh mountain water, and also got the chance to do my 1 hour meditation on the rock, just silence among the earth music. *sigh* i miss it so much actually. I told my step son if he would mind living the jungle, the only thing he asked me was "do i have to go to school?" i told him, no..i'll teach him, and he did the chicken dance. ahhaha...funny boy!
I had a good work out, although i still have a little temperature, a little cough and some phlegm left. but I didn't want 'spoil' myself too much. You know, we ARE stronger than we think after all...*hehe* I better take a rest now. The university is also on exam week, so its the end of my job for the semester. I'll be jobless untill the university calls me again as a lecturer next sem, insyaAllah. For now, all i got to say it; take a rest, big shot. MasyaAllah...thank you for a great year. Alhamdulillah.
Sounds like you had a really wonderful weekend, alhamdulillah. Glad to hear you are taking a break and giving your body a chance to rest and recover! InshAllah you will start to feel better soon :) I think it's really important that we listen to our bodies and treat it with respect - Allah has put it in our charge, so we owe it to Him to look after it well.
Salam becky,
You made a beautiful observation there, masyaAllah. Yes indeed, Allah had put us in charge with our body to respect it and treat it well. We owe it definitely to Him to look after it. SubhanAllah.
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