بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
This is a link of my brother here in Malaysia, his blog is amazing and although not everything do i agree on, it is still mind provoking. Although he stress this issue more on man, i would like to add this also applies on vice versa. I took the liberty to share this issue, by translating it to english. I do hope i did justice with it, so i can share it with all of you, insyaAllah; (Men and Blue: (referring to pornography; general term in malaysia to filterize the word pornography)
Blue, is a term that in need of no introduction. It is synonym to men in these time. Those regardless of age, from student of school, college and university, wether they are jobless and common worker, all of them are very aware of the term.
They are stucked to it, like an addict. Once hooked, their soul trashing looking for hold on to it for the next time. If before, to get their hand on 'blue', they would need to go through the in and about of the city. But not anymore. 'Blue' can now be accessed effortlessly, it is just on the tip of their finger. Search in any browser from the internet, in a blink of an eye it would visualize what you wish. Moreover, with the mobile phone equipped with camera which could play high resolution video, which they could exchange 'blue' information according to their personal taste and can be watch at any given time they want. And the most important thing is that they would not need to face the risk being scold at by the 'blue' VCD pusher.
Man and Couple
Those that is stucked on the 'blue', would surely find themselves a 'couple'. This is not something that is weird at all to them, watching 'blue' is not enough. Watching 'blue' is like a drug addiction just as was mentioned before. At first, they look at pictures, then progresses with videos, and the end it is time to get themselves someone that could be turn into the 'black goat'. After the declaration, then it starts with connection strategies by them. As the face their 'couple', they would retrieve back the actions they saw in those 'video' blue, only this time the 'actress' are related to their 'couple'. And again, these visions have yet to satisfy their lust.
On naked eye, these man appears to be very caring, thoughtful, appraising the female as to be attached to their soul. They acted as lead 'the kindest man on earth' and it is proven to have worked. Its no suprise that when asked, most women out there, would admit that their couple is the best and there are no competition against their 'truly'. For that men, it did not matter if they get the title ;kind or not, their mindset are set from the beginning and that their mission should be accomplished. soon. They try and try untill they empower the mate's feeling, and once they do, these men will take their action. As the women are fooled and that are satisfied, they abandon the unfortunate women. If the women are lucky, they would advanced to marriage smothered by their 'action'. And we, on the other hand are fooled by their 'happiness'.
Mind the Stare
Between the 'adam' and 'eve', it is natural for us to remind each other. The 'Adam' would take it to their account to be thoughtful in the issue of covering own modesty. They would give their 2 cents to their sister who wears something too tight. They would 'advice' fellow muslimah who covers their head but not their chest. Yes, it is a commendable act, although wouldn't it sound right if not long after, this 'men' came back home , turn on his laptop and watch his 3g video collection. And as these unmodest women appear, their eye remain unblinked. Probably forgotten God's word;
"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do"
(Surah Al Nur: Verse 30)
So, what is the difference between this man and the muslimah who didn't cover their modesty that he 'adviced' earlier, since he on his own account did not carry God's instruction? They were looking for reasons and excuse to quench their taste for desire behind the muslimah fault's in not covering their modesty. To them, when all women on this earth took upon God's instruction to cover up accordingly, THEN would they took into account to mind their own stare as they should. And at times, they make it into a joke behind the warning that was given by Rasulullah Salallahualaihiwasalam;
" Don't you follow your stare with another stare,
for the first (are forgiven) and the next are not"
(Ahmad Abu Daud) -Wallahualam
"Come on, that was only the first stare, its not even a sin" That is what was uttered by them often followed with sheepish smile after a women's figure that their eyes laid upon. They didn't need to take the second, third or the next look. Clearly, their mind are followed by disgusting thoughts playing along with their mind and next lead to their ecapism , the blue. This is what happens when Lord's law are made into a joke, it is caught by their own joke.
Now Challenge
Compare your thoughts and your father, uncles, and your grandparents. They are set apart like earth and sky with you. If your father found out the fact of 'sex' in their late teenage years, you could have known about it years in advance, maybe earlier than teen. No doubt, these are all happening due to the growth of the technology that is expanding rapidly. From prints to electronic, everything attracts the attention of a man. Look at your local newspaper, TV programmes, even the films, everything is filled with unmodesty. Would you agree, that the rating for 'diving' event during the commonwealth sports game was the highest compared to other sporting events? Then, as we watch mind blowing characters in "Heroes" TV series, how many eyes that could not blinked watching the move of 'Clair Bennet'? This have not included what is on the Hollywood films, as sometimes we would fool ourselves by trying to 'immersed' with the story again and thus you're repeating to those inclusive disgusting action? This is an alternative way to those who deny watching 'blue' movies, thus trying to satisfy their own hunger with their own way.
This is the challenge we all need to face now. Forget all these servings on earth that could trap our own self. Remember that 'Adultery' started with a stare which is not controlled by faith and obedience. It starts with the lack of modesty, which leads to closeness which continues to relationships. And then contribute to adultery and as we know now much happening in Malaysia, baby dumping. Try our very best to resist our lust and temptation and KNOW that resisting is like a struggle of itself. A Jihad. So, don't blame it on the Muslimah, the technology dan etc that is in your account to take care of our own 'stare'. Rasulullah Salallahualaihiwasalam said;
"Those who struggles are those who resist with their temptations"
(HR Tirmizi)-Wallahualam
Thus, it is time we take action for our responsibility. Among the muslimah who cares about their modesty, the muslimin should care for their gaze respectively. Together we move forward for a good ending. Leave all the sins behind and do not let the Devil's whisper fool you. Remember to the Lord always, and insyaAllah your heart would be at peace, and we seek nothing happier than these.
(Not all men are as per above description. Although, looking for someone who are not to this description it is quite rare to find)
courtesy to : http://salafus-sholih.blogspot.com/
This is such an interesting post, which i found to be interesting since me and my friend just recently discuss the matter of man looking for the perfect muslimah, but failed to see if they are the perfect muslim themselves. read it here; http://wheelsamsara.blogspot.com/2010/10/if-you-cant-date-dont.html
" Thus, it is time we take action for our responsibility. Among the muslimah who cares about their modesty, the muslimin should care for their gaze respectively. Together we move forward for a good ending. Leave all the sins behind and do not let the Devil's whisper fool you. Remember to the Lord always, and insyaAllah your heart would be at peace, and we seek nothing happier than these."
I like this paragraph. Men, in general, are a lot alike, no matter the culture or religion. We can only hope we are gifted at finding the good ones :) I could not be with someone who watches "blue." I don't watch that stuff, and would feel so disrespected if he did. I think men who do this when they are married are spoiled and selfish.
You know, i'm glad you point that out. You know, although i do agree with the statement 'men do this when they are married are spoiled and selfish'- i still find it is a bad habit that can be controlled. I do believe they somehow don't understand the consequences of watching these 'blue' regardless, men or women. If they could see the whole effect by their habit only challenge their own mind health (mentality) growth, then i believe insyaAllah, they would do what is best for their own self.
And do know my prayer is for you, and that you will meet someone that would not be among those who do have this habit. :) (even if you do find out, i'm sure you'll straighten them out and remind them what this habit might bring to them, i believe you're capable to intrigue their own mind-but touch wood with this kind of men)
Actually, I am married :) I have been for 4 years, and I have found a good one :)
MasyaAllah, Alhamdulillah to know that. So am i, for almost a year now and i guess we're both blessed with good ones. Praise the Lord!
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